My running goal for 2011 was to reach 1000 miles, and when I did, I decided I should try and make it to 1100 for 2011, but with a week left in the year and 24 miles short, I got sick. At first I was more disappointed about not being able to run than being sick. But then after a few days of being sick and knowing I just didn't have it in me, I came to terms with the fact that 1076 miles for 2011 was still an awesome achievement.
This year my goal is to reach 1200 miles for 2012 and in order to do that I will need to average 100 miles a month. I don't want running to consume my execise routine, as I would like to also continue spinning and circuit training, so it is going to take a strict routine to fit it all in.
For my 12 half marathons for 2012 I am now officially signed up for two of them, and still working on scheduling of others.
Looking forward to my striving towards my running goals...
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