Why is it I get sucked into this reality television? For the most part I don't watch a lot of television. In fact there are only a few shows I've enjoyed over the years. Some which have ended too soon (Studio 60) and some that I have lost interest in from time to time (Grey's Anatomy). Although right now I'm probably one of the few that is enjoying the Denny/Izzy storyline of Grey's. And of course there is Lost, which will be back with its new season TOMORROW!!
Then there are the reality television shows most of which I catch from time to time, but nothing I plan my day around. With the exception of The Bachelor and Biggest Loser for some reason, especially this year, I have been drawn to these shows. The Bachelor I knew I wanted to see, especially with Jason, who was left standing alone in the Bachelorette, although looks like so was Jessie...
So who do I hope will make it to the end in Bachelor? Right now my favorites are Jillian and Melissa, though there are several others that I still like as well. But I think Megan needs to go and I was thrilled that Erica did go. I love Chris Harrison and his blog has been a fun addition to the recaps of each episode.
Jillian Melissa
Are you a fan too? Who are you hoping Jason ends up with?
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