and other things have lost some zest since the loss of my camera. I haven't even heard the "professional" diagnosis, let alone how long its gonna take... I'm missing it dearly, but the cost to replace it isn't even a thought right now! So I will try and keep up with life and project life with my Nikon point and shoot that I got in 06 before our NYC trip.
We came home to find this sweet arrangement on our front porch!
Since the wedding I've been trying to get back into the swing of things at home. With kids doctor appointments, breakfast with friends and some shopping with my sister to fill some of my days, I've also been getting back to reading more.
My house is being over run with my book collection and while I plan to still purchase the occasional hard bound book I really want some type of electronic reader and I'm still debating between the kindle and ipad. The kindle I can do right now, the ipad I still need to save for. The kindle lets you highlight words and look them up and add your own text, but doesn't have a light and I read a lot at night. The ipad is backlit, can get the same books as kindle and does more than just store books, so that debate still continues....
As for ending the month of July, I hurt my back after lifting a case of water and thought I'd be done running for July, however today I ran 6 miles today which took my miles to 506 in 7 months!
So now I'll go back to missing my camera and stalking the mailbox as I await the verdict on what seems to be the problem and how long till it will be fixed
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