Do you remember Ali Edwards and her one little word? It's that time again! Have you been thinking about your word?
I came to my word about a month ago
There were many things throughout 2010 that were a challenge for me, and at the end of those challenges I left feeling a better person, a stronger person and so this year I want to challenge myself even more. Get out of my comfort zone.... run that FULL marathon in Chicago and so on.
I have to thank Jill for changing my 2010, challenging me to these races and Chelsea who ran them with me. They changed me forever and I am grateful! It all started with one mile, Chelsea getting me on that treadmill and running my first mile made me realize, yes I can do it! and as always my husband and his support to run any race I want to run!
And so I plan to challenge myself to be a better person, and to be better to others we have to be better to ourselves. Expect more from ourselves, try harder, embrace those challenges that seem so tough. And let's face it, life is full of challenges!
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