we spent the day out in Michigan again. Heading out at 7am and returning home at midnight. And what a fun day it was.
There were six of us from Ohio and we met up with Debbie and Brenda in Michigan. We spent the day at Debbie's store and a bunch of other stores throughout Brighton. Going to lunch and picking up bread at the Great Harvest Bread store on Main Street... yum!
I picked up some greens a picture and MY CABINET! Though I don't have it home yet since it was too big to fit in my car and still be able to get two of the people back to Medina my friend Stacey took it in her car and was dropping it at my mom's for me to pick up this week. Hopefully today.
I would have taken pictures, but after the 2nd picture my camera died... and I'm the only one that brought one...
After our day of shopping we went back to Brenda's house for dinner and met up with another friend Linda. The 9 of us talked and laughed until we realized we still had a 3+ hour ride home.
But spending the day away leaves your house a wreck and work with lots catch up on, so that is what will fill my day today.
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