Coming back to blogging after a long break!
My 2013 was an emotional roller coaster, from personal heartbreak to heart ache for family. Watching my mother decline daily, my mother in law still fighting a tough battle even after she continues to get knocked down and my sister... my poor sister, who so bravely went into surgery to remove a tumor in August, and still does not know she had surgery today.
I decided to document more of my life journey here, to put in writing my goals and intentions and to commit to my word for 2014, choice.
Last year I dealt with many things I had no choice over so I am determined to find things that I do have a choice over and make a difference. Whether its the little things like choosing to journal or craft over facebook, or even go running over staying at home. I am going to make better choices with the things I can control in my life, those things I do have a choice with. Because right now, my mother, mother in law and sister don't have a choice in what is going on in their lives, but I do!
Tomorrow I will list my goals which include life, love and fitness, with travel and a bucket list I want to tackle and even 14 races I want to do in 2014.
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