Most of the time I think I'm too old to "really like" Justin Timberlake. But let's look at this logically there are lots of reasons to be a fan of his. He sings amazingly, including back in the days of *Nsync*.
Back then I attended their concert with my hubby, kids and my brother and his family. That was back when it was more for the kids then for us.
It was at the stadium and we were caught in a horrible storm right in the middle of the concert. Tons of people trying to make their way out of the center of the stadium (not a pretty sight). We called it the "IN THE SYNC concert because that's what we felt like afterwards when we were soaked! It rained so hard my car was towed into another parking garage because it had flooded!
Back to more about Justin, the more I see him in skits and interviews you can't help but love him. He was on the Ellen Show again Friday and I had to share it with Joel. He didn't even realize that it was Justin Timberlake!
Reason 1
Reason 2
Reason 3 - You can see Justin cracking up with Jimmy Fallen!
Reason 4
I could go on and on. Now admit it.... you love him too!
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