Recently someone asked me, "do you always see yourself running and would you run without a goal," and it got me to thinking.
I love running, some days more than other days. But those days when I love it, it is such a mind cleansing powerful experience. Especially with all the stressful things I'm facing right now...
But... can I run without goals? Can I just run for the fun of it and not track my miles, distance or time? It's never been a competition with anyone else. In fact, that is one of the things I love about running, its a competition with ones self.
I really want to PR with my half marathons this year, my training has been including a lot of interval and speed runs to help reach that goal. And aren't we always supposed to be trying to improve ourselves, reaching for goals... isn't that what keeps you going?
I also enjoy all the places I get to see because of running. With this weekend a race in Ohio, next weekend a race in Kentucky and soon to find out if we got in the Nike Womens in San Francisco are nothing but exciting to me!
So is it always a competition?
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