the Work in Progress project kit last night. I love all the bright colors especially since we still have snow. It helps me think of the warmer days ahead.
The box I already had is wood (this is the largest of the three) that came with a nesting set. One of the many things that I have to alter. The clipboard was part of the kit.
Zach and I went to see Horton hears a who - we both cracked up watching this!What a cute funny movie - one we'll be sure to get on video! Even with my kids almost 14 and 18!
I also finished my Valarie Bertinelli book last night. It was a fun, quick read. I enjoyed her honesty and humor throughout the book. Now I'm trying to finish up Middlesex - I'm probably 3/4 of the way done. Then I'll begin one of these that arrived yesterday.
Today is Chelsea's only day off work and school so we are going to the mall this morning. She wants to find some clothes for her senior pictures that are coming up in about 2 weeks. Then I'm going into work for a few hours.
Tonight is THE BIGGEST LOSER - something else Chel and I look forward to.
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