I have a feeling I'm going to be learning a lot more about iChat since Chelsea was telling me if I had a iMac we could iChat when she's gone at college and it got me to thinking? Really... a way for us to chat and see each other whenever we wanted, well at least for the most part anyway?
I then began checking to see just how much an iMac would run us? The prices weren't too bad? Then she shares with me how her friend got his iMac and right now you can get a FREE iPod touch.
Hello??? Now you've got my attention?
So I called Joel and explained about the iMac and that we could have video chats and you can get a free iPod touch.
Look what came already...this thing is SWeeeeeT!
SO if you were thinking about adding a mac to your household now would be a good time. I think they are even doing free printers too!
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