There's a new blog that features scrapbookers and I'm thrilled that today I'm featured on it. Check out the Explore, experience and expand your mind blog!
Plus the other day both Sarah and Linda had me listed on their top 10 favorite blogs!
I still need to create my list of 10? Which is a tough thing to do!
Still getting beat up by this cold, it doesn't matter how early I get to bed, how late I sleep in, how much zinc I take or the amount of Motrin I've taken, I guess this thing has to run its course.
Silly me making the comment of not even getting a cold in the 5 years I quit smoking. Well that record no longer exists.
Over the weekend besides getting all the wainscot painted I put another mini album together. It is so cute, I can't wait to fill it with some pictures and share it. It's not my creation though - I got the kit from The Button Farm. She has the most awesome kits and ideas!
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