List 5 things you wish to improve upon, in the coming year.
1. Clutter - My husband always teases me that it's not the size of the house but the amount of "stuff" which I have accumulated over the years that fills our house. I will reduce the amount of items in my house so that I have more time for other things instead of dusting and cleaning all the "stuff".
2. Time management - Better use of my time at home. Select certain days for laundry, plan more meals in advance, specific days for cleaning specific rooms, etc.
3. Scrapbooking - Utilize my time to scrapbook and use my current stash
4. Writing - Whether its journal in my scrapbooks or journal in a daily journal, I need to spend more time writing and expressing myself through writing.
5. Finishing projects - I enjoy taking classes and constantly getting and learning new ideas. But I don't always finish the project. I want to start and finish more projects.
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