that voice in your head telling you that you can or cannot do something?
I have heard it many times amid running, it is a battle of determination. When I am struggling I must remind myself "I can do this" it is amazing how my legs focus as I advance up a hill or finish that last mile. You can make a difference in your own thoughts, in your own life!
This weekend when running the Akron half marathon I needed that reminder quite often. Those hills were killer! Trouble loomed since I felt defeated by mile three and had ten more hilly miles ahead. Knowing an attitude adjustment was essential, I contemplated my options. The image of walking posed as a choice, but was quickly dismissed.
Demanding more of myself running, not finishing strong would linger longer than the pain. After a few stops with powerade and a Vanilla GU, although my muscles still ached, my strength returned and my attitude adjusted.
Disappointment returned, thinking I had five more miles to go and my goal now out of reach, until I passed the 9th mile and realized only four miles kept me from my goal. Pushing harder, maintaining a 10 min mile, to reach my goal of 2:15.
While I missed my goal by a mere 1:41, I am thrilled with my finishing time for one of the toughest half marathons I finished in a long time! (75th of 176 in age group) Running is a battle within you, never about beating someone else. I feel strong knowing I gave it my all!
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