Time flies and here we are with another year behind us...A year that was filled with more dreams created and memories made.
A unique bond forms when people struggle together through the ups and downs of life, that glue which fastens us through the tough times making the good times even better. How blessed we are to have you, always striving to make our lives better.
When I need strength to get through a hard time, I know where to go. When our children need advice, you are the first call they make.
Always available to help, taking care of family and being there for one another is just a part of what makes our lives so special.
Always a good sport with every plan or joke that comes your way, and becoming quite the character when it is time to dress up...
Always encouraging each of us to follow our dreams and take a chance at something new.
Sharing your love daily... I am blessed
Happy Birthday Joel!
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