Goals, intentions and resolutions 2018

December 31, 2017

Here I grow again...

I thrive on the pattern that goal setting creates. Establishing accountability in the areas I want to change and guidance towards my potential. Each year I compile a list of intentions, areas I seek improvement where tiny shifts cast new habits.

After looking through a few sites for goal setting advice I created this list to focus on specific areas of improvement. Is there something you want to do or experience? As you write down your goals you learn to focus on what needs to be a part of your routine in order to change. If you are listing the same goals repeatedly, yet not reaching them, perhaps there is a different path to follow.

Goals are often not reached within a calendar year, but a steady guide to direct us. And often that course can change throughout our transformation. To begin, identify where your time is spent and create a routine towards change, framing momentum towards your goal.

Once you decide on a goal, you need to list the daily, weekly, monthly steps necessary by breaking it down into manageable pieces it does not overwhelm and provides direction.

"The secret of your success is found in your daily routine." ~John Maxwell

Here are some popular areas to set goals...


  • Do I like the world I am living in
  • Confident in my self-worth
  • What areas can I change to uncover new growth


  • What new things have I learned or want to learn 
  • How can I use creativity to exercise the brain
  • Are there ways to improve


  • Are you taking care of your body
  • How is my eating
  • What can I improve
  • What new things will I do
  • How do I want my body to be


  • How are my relationships with spouse, family, and friends
  • Are there things I can do to improve them
  • What things can I add or avoid to create balance
  • Where do I find inspiration

Here are a few blog posts that help you get specific in goal setting




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