
January 19, 2011

Its funny how I spent the first part of this morning editing pictures and putting together a post about friendship and what it means to me, to find out that a dear friend passed away. . .


My friend Joyce was one of those one in a million people.  Those people you aspire to be like, even if in the tiniest of ways.  Their attitude you want to emulate in your life everyday because it is one of always looking on the bright side of things, finding the positive in life, in each other.  She always did it...

 She spent month after month scrapbooking with us, laughing and joking as she put her memories into scrapbooks for her kids. All along as we shared in this hobby we all loved not knowing she was struggling through her own battle with cancer.  She didn't want to burden others with her disease, she didn't want people to treat her with sympathy or any different once they found out she was sick, so she just never told anyone. Years later she told us that we saved her... that our laughter and friendship helped her without us even knowing.

We went away on weekend scrapbook retreats, hung out at high school sporting events and attended the parties as the kids graduated high school.

She was a dear friend who unknowingly taught many lessons to those around her.  She is survived by her loving husband and two sweet and caring boys and I am forever blessed for sharing in her life.



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