Do it afraid

November 26, 2007

I was reading this blog and though I missed the actual show, I have seen Joyce Meyers many times, I love her message. I think because of losing Ryan, my brother and my dad and recently my cousin so quickly, so suddenly I don't doubt anything bad happening.  I don't know what its like to have a happy ending - therefore if there's something I"m afraid of, odds are it will have a bad ending... I know its a horrible way to think and sometimes I need my husband to talk me into doing things or letting the kids do things and see that not everything does have a bad ending...

And since I go through life with lots of fear of doing things, leaving my kids and going somewhere, letting my kids go somewhere without me, flying and some of my other  fears this spoke to me. 

there was this wooden boat up on stage and she was standing in it barefoot.  And she was preaching about how someone said (I think someone even wrote a book) “if you want to walk on water, you’ve got to get out of the boat.”  And that the boat can be a metaphor for being in a “rut” in your life.  It’s safe in the boat.  You’re there in the boat and everything is good and you might want to try new things, but it’s too scary to get out of the boat so you just stay in the boat. 

She said if there’s something in your life that you want to do, but you’re afraid,  DO IT AFRAID.  Get out of your boat and do it afraid.  Do it anyway. 

So I think I too will put together a mini book of things I want to do, but fear and see if I can start crossing things off that list.


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