"Do something today that your future self with thank you for"
My friend Lee always has the most inspirational posts on her blog. When I saw this I wanted to join in since I love looking back at the change that occurs in our lives, some of it daily, weekly or monthly, and some slowly over time. I decided to post on the last day of each month.
Here is one way to document the months of your life with a list of what is CURRENTLY going on...
EATING | Clean
CATCHING | My breath
ENJOYING | A quiet house
COOKING | Crock pot meals
TRYING | New healthy smoothies
MISSING | My running partner
FEELING | Excited
LISTENING | The survivor's guide to family happiness <3
WATCHING | The snow fall
READING | Chasing Slow
WEARING | Running clothes
PLANNING | More goals for the coming months
WANTING | Spring time weather
NEEDING | Time to write
WISHING | The snow would stop
WAITING | For my first grandchild
FINISHING | December daily 2016
THINKING | Of stories that need to be told
ENJOYING | The New Year with all the opportunity for fresh starts
CELEBRATING | A future baby girl
MARVELING | At all the new baby things
ANTICIPATING | The upcoming baby reveal
CULTIVATING | A healthy lifestyle to thrive in
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