Counting down to the once a year crop with Work in Progress kits and planning my projects to get the most accomplished in my time away.
In the last few weeks I have pre planned some layouts, took vacation pictures and used divided protectors to plan out which pictures are going into layouts and which pictures are added to protectors, and most recently, I decided to take my year and put it into wallet sized photos, using several pictures to document each month, and put together a year in review album...
I had totally forgotten about this picture taken in early January of a lunch date with my mom and sister at Red Robin... too bad Deb's eyes are closed!
seems like we just got together for lunch, but here I am with my highschool girlfriends in January
I don't think I'll ever forget celebrating Shawn's birthday at Cheesecake factory
and waking the next morning for our flight to Florida and finding this
Just a few of the pictures I plan to reminice about, document and enjoy during my weekend away with friends!
Running, parties and vacations seemed to dominate 2011, as well as milestones like Chelsea turning 21, my mother in law 70, Zach's braces coming off and oh yeah, running my first marathon!
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