Spent the day with my mom and sister working on our Christmas shopping. Deb and I met my mom at Starbucks and started out the day with some Peppermint Mocha's.
Then it was off to the mall to get some shopping done. (Oh and no more advent calendars at this Starbucks)
We got a lot of shopping done, though I can't list the stores I visited since Chelsea reads my blog.
One of the stores we did visit was Pacsun. Luckily the mall was pretty quiet so Deb had the girl come take our picture. So we can document our days for our 31 days of December mini book we just made.
Once we finished up at the mall we headed out to Best Buy for Deb to make a couple more purchases. Since we were near an Archivers we HAD to stop in there too...
It was a very productive, very fun shopping day!
And for the record - we also checked the Starbucks in the mall and at Target and NO Advent calendars... what's up with that???
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