Lots going on in the month of October which I cannot believe begins next week! And its official! I finally talked Joel into going to Chicago to see the city and catch The Jersey Boys while they are in town! It is one of the few weekends that we have nothing going on in October! Let the countdown begin!
Finally... I finished my decorating for fall on the indoors. Now I just have a few things to do outside. Like the cornstalks and pumpkins.
Today the boys are doing a shopping day with Grandma. Every year at the beginning of the school year my mom picks a day to go shopping with the kids. Usually its all the kids but with Chel gone at college and Shawn working now we had to split things up. Mackenzie and Chelsea went a few weeks back and now today Shawn, Cameron and Zach are going shopping and to lunch with Grandma.
I hope to take my day and finish up a lot of unfinished obligations.
Which include:
Looks like I better get moving!
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