Lately I've been going through a lot, and running has not been a priority in my life. In fact not much of anything has been a priority and I'm looking to find myself.... again!
But where does one begin? Trying to find a spark in things past that you used to love, like running? I do still love to run, but I do believe last years 12 in 2012 took a toll on me and although I'm thrilled to say I achieved the goal, its not one I plan to set again anytime soon.
Learning that sometimes its the bad things in life that push us into finding the good things. Or it teaches us to change the way we see the things that are right in front of us. And while I raise my hand quickly to point out that I think I've lived through plenty of bad in my years, I do want to step away from the side of pity and look more to the side of growth. How the bad has also changed me in positive ways.
Then I saw this video from Kelly Corrigan, and every time I watch it I tear up!
So I'm on a search to discover who I am and what I am meant to be doing...
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