What a great time celebrating Lisa's birthday!
I know it takes a friend to have a friend, so either I'm a pretty good friend or I am blessed with awesome people that surround me and make me a better person! The girls above have been with me through everything! We met in 9th grade in high school, I can remember my kids at that age and yet it seems like yesterday for us girls.
Get us together and you are in for a night of teenage tales, adult blunders and heartwarming stories. We reminisce about the days gone by and catch up on our current lives.
There comes a time when you realize that your friends are the people that you can bear your soul to, expose your most awkward side and they will love you because of it or inspite of. Twelve children between us, even some grandkids, as the cycle continues and the friendship continues, I'm glad I have them to share in this journey.
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