On Sunday I spent my entire day hauling up totes and covering every flat surface available throughout my kitchen, dining room and family room until every tote was empty. This alone is an overwhelming experience, not knowing where to start to make sense of it all... but somehow, every year, I go through the same thing, and know as I plug along, it will all come together.
As things started taking shape, I kept noticing a pile of candy canes, and knew I wanted to put together something special with them... not knowing what it was I was going for, I decided to check out Pinterest and do a search on Candy Canes...
And as I scrolled through all the candy cane images, I knew imediately when I found this picture and link to this site... I had found my idea!
and so I began gathering the supplies that I had to create my candy cane bouquet
I was so excited as my creation began to take shape
have you started your decorating yet?
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