In case you're wondering, or still wanted to send books, there is still time. Yesterday I started sorting through some of the books I have here and got in touch with the child life specialist at Metro to set up a date to bring them out. We are tentatively planning on the 15th of this month.
After I sorted them, I stamped them or put a label on them, depending on the type of book, that says In Memory of Ryan Zarlenga with the dates.
I'm so excited with the turnout of books and donations we've received so far. My sister picked up several of If you give a mouse a cookie series which were one of Ryan's favorites. My cousin is friends with the author of the super diaper baby series and sent over several autographed copies, Brenda and Debbie in Michigan sent the entire Twilight series and Harry Potter series and countless other books and monetary donations from family, friends and strangers. Its such a warming feeling to see so many touched by Ryan and his story.
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