Ahh, my second 5k... how'd it go? Well, it was better weather, better running conditions and a lot more hills! Oh my, I didn't train enough for all those hills, but I kept plugging along. Early on my ipod quit AGAIN! It happened at the first marathon too, and I thought it was just a freak thing that happened, but nope apparently something gets jarred when running and shuts it off, so within the first 15 minutes NO IPOD, and anytime you're running without music... that just sucks!
But I plugged on...
My shoe didn't untie like the last race, but I did wear new shoes - I had only wore them one time prior to the race and ended up with a blister on the back of my foot.... ughh!
Chelsea took off at the beginning and I didn't see her till the end! We both improved our time from the last race. I ran the 3.1 miles in 35:24 - and with all those hills and being better than my first run, I'm happy with my time. I ended up 479 out of 574 and 207 out of 279 women. Chelsea ran the 3.1 in 27:29 and was 273 out of 574 total and 93 out out of 279 women.
I loved this race... how it was marked, the people cheering you on at the sidelines, those who would let you know what mile you were at and your time - I still haven't figured my pace out, so it was nice to hear my time at each mile.
Afterwards we headed into the Arnold Expo and Chelsea was in heaven... every type of protein drink, powder, energy bars, energy drinks, you name it... it was there!
Ben came to cheer us on and hang out in the expo
she was being painted when we walked in and we thought it was a statue!
and Chelsea met this guy along the way...
And what was even more perfect... we are opening a 2nd location for the business and it's just 30 minutes away, so Joel and Zach drove down with us and then headed over to the shop and then made it back to pick us up and we all headed back home again! So no worries about finding parking, parking the car, etc... we got dropped off right at the door.
I think this will definitely be a race we return to try again!
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