Luckily, as we cruised through the isles of Sam's Club for supplies for the office (which would have been exempt), and some items for home, we found them all to be from the good ol USA. Then Chelsea ran into Earth Fare while I popped into Archivers.
Not even thinking I found a few trinkets at Archivers, go figure! And driving home it hit me that I didn't check where they were from. I asked Chel to check the bag and she said, "you don't want to know"...
Items from my favorite shops! Pins from Maya Road - made in China, clips from 7 gypsies - made in China and staples for my Tim Holtz tiny attacher... made in China! So now I have to decide if I head back to Archivers to return these items or leave them in the bag untouched for the month?
Needless to say, its more realization of how much is imported from China and yet carry such a high price tag at Archivers... Looks like month one may be a combination of no made in China and no scrapbooking supply purchases!
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