Well I've reached the end of the alphabet! I can't believe I've gone from A - Z. But I'm sure it will be fun to look back at. And of course I thought of a ton of things for letters AFTER I already did them... so I'm sure I'll revisit that same idea.
So in ending my all about me alphabet I bring you Z
1. Well of course the last name begins with Z
2. Poor Zach - what were we thinking when we picked his name. Now whether they go by first or last names he'll always be at the end.
3. Ziggy - that's the name of my brothers springer spaniel and the reason we got ours.
4. ZZZZ's represent sleep and I need some after our weekend away!
5. The kids and I love going to the ZOO every year. Chel's initials are the same as the zoo (CMZ) - LOVED the Columbus Zoo so much more though...
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