Not just a moving of body, but of mind and spirit. I spent the morning in a bible study class with Val and it felt as if I was meant to be there, that I found it and it found me at the perfect time in my life. I have been wanting to get involved in a bible study for sometime now, it seems as if this was the perfect one for me to begin at.
This week was about rejection. All we need to create an environment for rejection is relationship. All relationships in your life carry the risk of rejection or being rejected and when that happens we sometimes react in ways we wouldn't normally.
Rejection tempts us to invite things into our lives we might never have welcomed. Sometimes those rejections are put there so we don't accept something less than what is wanted for us, and we don't realize.
It sure made me reflect many actions of things that have taken place in my life, with my husband and myself and with my children. I don't want to be a negative person and have always tried to accept things as they were meant to happen, and most times down the road you find they were a "blessing in disguise". Although the loss of family could never be considered a blessing, I know that I don't have a choice in what happened, but I do have a choice in how I react to it.
And not only in myself do I need to recognize my reaction to rejection, but how other people react to it.
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