How is it possible that I have been out of school for 25 years?
Tonight Joel and I along with Lisa and Terry and all the other 1982 graduates are going to our high school reunion. Lisa and I both moved to North Royalton in our freshman year. She came from Parma and I came from Middleburg Heights. We knew each other because she was supposed to beat me up since I was dating the same boy her girlfriend in Parma was dating. However, I was unaware of her plight to beat me up until we met, and when she told me about it we laughed! From that day forward we have remained friends.
This is my 8th grade picture from Middleburg Jr. High. We moved to N. Royalton in the beginning of my 9th grade year.
Love that makeup - I'm sure my dad sent me back into the bathroom several times before I finally snuck out with out him noticing.
This is Lisa and I just this past May
I'm looking forward to tonight - seeing all the people we went to school with. It's fun since Joel and I went to the same school because he knows a lot of the same people. Hopefully I'll get some good pictures.
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