Well I'm going to try this - along with a photo a day in December. Here's today's pictures.
12 Random pictures from today - 1. Zach playing his game 2. A fall decoration I bought on Ebay last year 3. view of recently moved cabinet in dinning room 4. another view in dinning room 5. Star I made the other day with my Work in Progress kit (since the star at Christmas is what I do for Ryan - 5 points to star - his age), I think I may try and make these for his ornament I give to all the family this year. 6. Precious moments boy my mom buys me one every year - this was the year my dad died, so it was Ryan and Grandpa 7. Shaggy dog 8. Sudoku book I keep in my purse 9. beginning of book for Journal your Christmas journal 10. Shag again 11. Lunch today for Joel and I 12. dinning room picture
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