How to document a day that stands out on the calendar? I woke up today thinking I want to make it count, I want to accomplish something, I want this day to stand out.
and then I went to the farm up the street and spent some time with the sweetest farmer I know. It seems most days you will find him outdoors, most of those times he's wearing a plaid shirt of some sort, and sometimes you will even see him sporting a jean jacket over that plaid shirt. And one thing for sure, he is always wearing a smile!
He is a modest man, didn't want his picture taken at first. We talked for a bit, and I told him how inspiring he is to me, to my family. To see him everyday outdoors working on this farm. Early mornings, cold mornings, he is out there working. His response, with a smile of course, "I love what I do". He shared with me how he's ahead of schedule and the winter wheat is already planted. Sweet, sweet man!
It's a lesson to be sure, to use your time doing things you love. It keeps you happy, healthy, loving what you do, and loving life, like Ray the happiest farmer I know!
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